
S.M.A.R.T tools in Mac OS X

Although the Disk Utility has the capability of S.M.A.R.T checking in Mac OS X, it only gives you a briefly status report, such as ''Verified'' or ''Failed''. There are some tools that can report the detail of S.M.A.R.T. One is Maxwell and another is smartmontools; both of them can run in Mac OS X. However, Maxwell might only work correctly for some hard disks. For example, while I feel the temperature of the HD is hotter than that of me, it gives the wrong temperature in 30˚C. Smartmontools is derived originally from the Linux smartsuite package. It also works well in Darwin or Mac OS X. Just grab it, configure, and make. It still has some problems, however, to do something without kernel level support. But if you only just wanna see the detail report, it's working great and very enough for you.

Tags: , disk, utility, S.M.A.R.T