memory-based storage notebook
傳言不久會推出沒有硬碟的 notebook,包含 apple macbook/pro。當然用 memory based storage 是有比磁性轉盤的儲存方式多不少好處,像是省電、安靜、體積、速度等等。不過這篇 Flash memory-based Apple Notebook rumor: PCM Rather Than NAND 有提到非 NAND 方式的 memory storage。PCM 就是 Phase Change Memory,看起來有不少項目是比 NAND type 更優。光是速度上,比 NAND 快 500x 的讀寫速度;又更可靠,可抹寫 1 億次。當然硬碟的致命缺陷大都是機械原因,像是壞軌、磁頭 crash、或是伺服馬達掛掉,裡面的資料就岌岌可危。而原本的 NAND/NOR flash type storage,則是會繼續比較在常用在 removal storage。
I just look around and found your blog...
I got a problem on my Apple... is G4, Just installed a OSX 10.3, but found my DVD-Rom only can read CD.... (Model:HITACHI DVD-ROM GD-3000)
I then installed a OS9 in my disk and updated all the firmware and updated all both OS, but still can't read DVD...
Can you help?
Best Regards,