

[Advertisement] Improving the VCS dumping VPD file size and performance

Running the simulation and generating huge VPD file in Synopsys VCS simulator? Disk space and file size might not be issues because hard disks are very cheap now. However, the system I/O of disks have huge impact in the whole simulation or post-processing.
We are introducing you a state-of-art technology to significantly reduce the file size and improve the VPD file writing performance in dumping and reading performance in DVE and waveform applications.

  • Advantages

    • No impact to the simulation performance.
      It might gain better performance with less system disk I/O.
    • Affordable price
    • Compatible with every build/release of VCS
    • Compatible with most POSIX UNIX-like OS
    • Suitable for any HDL, digital or analog, RTL, or gate-level.

  • It is definitely legal

    • No extra Synopsys VCS license requires
    • No reverse-engineering and no VCS installation or bundle file changes/modifies/patches
    • No extra file or design needs to be compiled into the simulation
    • No re-compile efforts
Allow us to keep you informed about the latest announcement, release, and package prices.


用 WINE 裝 IE6, WMP10, hifree, or KKBOX

KKBOX 有 Mac 版本,這邊只是裝好玩的,其實是可以用在 Linux 上。

  1. 下載 Darwine,把 Darwine 和 複製到 /Applications
  2. 下載 winetricks
    curl -o winetricks
    chmod +x winetricks
  3. 打開
  4. export PATH=/Applications/Darwine/Wine.bundle/Contents/bin:/Applications/$PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Applications/Darwine/Wine.bundle/Contents/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  5. ./winetricks ie6
    裝 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
  6. ./wineticks flash
    裝 Adobe flash player。如果裝不成功,若 mscms.dll 無法載入,還需要從 WINDOWS/system32/mscms.dll 複製到 ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32
  7. ./winetricks wmp9
    裝 Windows Media Player 9
  8. ./winetricks wininet
  9. ./wineticks wenquanyi
    裝 CJK 字型
  10. ./winetricks fontsmooth-rgb
    把 Anti-Alias 設為 RGB subpixel
  11. wine  ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Internet\ Explorer/iexplore.exe
    執行 IE6,理論上中文應該沒問題,Flash 也可以
  12. wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Windows\ Media\ Player/wmplayer.exe
    執行 Windows Media Player
  13. 選項: wine ~/Download/KKBOX_setup.exe
    安裝 KKBOX
  14. 選項: wine ~/Download/hifree_Setup.exe
    安裝 hifree

  • winetricks 會檢查 file sha1sum,flash player 因為版本變動,會不過,手動改吧。sha1sum .winetrickscache/install_flash_player_ax.exe
    把 checksum 改回 winetricks,或者直接把 winetricks 檔案中 verify_sha1sum subroutine 的 die 改為 echo.


pwnat - NAT to NAT client-server communication

From the original description of pwnat -
pwnat, pronounced "poe-nat", is a tool that allows any number of clients behind NATs to communicate with a server behind a separate NAT with *no* port forwarding and *no* DMZ setup on any routers in order to directly communicate with each other. The server does not need to know anything about the clients trying to connect.


Running hifree on Mac OS X

hifree is a free client of music player, movie player, stock, news, and weather browser provided by Chunghua Telecom. It automatically detects the HiNet IP and provides free music and movies to HiNet users. I had the environment of running KKBOX (winodws edition) on Mac OS X, and the hifree player is currently available only on Windows platform. I download the installation setup executable file and use Wine to install. Then I can also run hifree player natively using wine on Mac OS X 10.6. Following are my screenshots. Not only the music, but also the movie can be played well. The chinese glyphs become blocks because I did not set up the encoding correctly. (All images of music front cover, movie screen shot, and other hifree images are copyrighted by its original owner or vender).

Playing music
Playing Movie


刪除 Mac OS X Key chain 的 CNNIC 根憑證 Root Certifications

依據刪除 IE 與 Firefox 的 CNNIC 根憑證這篇和在 Linux 上移除 CNNIC 憑證這篇
,提供 Mac OS X 底下刪除 Keychain 裡面的 CNNIC 根憑證。如圖。

Google Chrome 也因為是用系統 Keychain 裡面的憑證,所以 Chrome 就不用額外刪了。
至於 Firefox 3.6 就內建 CNNIC 根憑證,可以直接刪除。或是透過「編輯」把此憑證可以用來識別網站的選項取消。
此外,為何此事如此嚴重?其實不只瀏覽器,作業系統也是,MS 也內建把 CNNIC Root CA 加入新版的 OS Root CA。試想,如果今天瀏覽一個網站,使用者沒有逐一仔細檢視核發憑證的機構,就隨便確定進入網站輸入自己密碼,其實該網站可能是假的惡意網站,而 CA 正是由不是大家認可的 CNNIC Root CA 機構簽發。雖然你看到 和憑證無誤,但是該網域並非真正 google 的 server farm。或是下載軟體,雖然看到 Microsoft 或是 Google 的憑證,但是事實上該憑證並非真正由原始簽發單位簽署,一般使用者也不會逐一檢視簽署者是誰。如此一來可能又不小心安裝了什麼後門或流氓軟體。
事實上當然偉大的中國政府不會這麼笨,例如 Google mail 有不少異議份子的帳號,就在內地透過 GFW 轉到假的 Google mail server 和自己簽發的 CA 去,透過 Man in the Middle 偷偷過濾和檢視私密資料。如此一來大家都會發現那堆 server 都是假的。但是透過偉大的 GFW,比如說特工可以懷疑某某 IP 來源是異議份子,僅對那子網域或 IP 進行轉向攻擊。某異議份子存取了自己 Google Mail,但其實透過 DNS 和 IP 轉向,轉到中國某內地 server 偽裝成 Google Mail,又有來自 CNNIC Root CA 簽發的簽證,無論在 Chrome、Firefox、IE 看來都像是 Google Mail,事實上他並沒有仔細檢視簽發者是 CNNIC 而不是 Thawte SGC (Google mail 真正核發簽署憑證的單位) 的 CA 簽署。照樣,即使 Google mail 已經因為前陣子中國駭客事件而全部預設 HTTP SSL 加密連線,依然可以照樣被滲透。