

MS Windows 預設是最不省電(節能減碳)的作業系統(OS)

CPU 速度會自動調整已經不是新聞了, 以前只有 mobile edition 的 CPU 有這功能. 但自從 CPU 速度越來越快, 功耗越來越高(P=fCV2), 連桌上型的都有這種功能, Intel 的 SpeedStep 或是 AMD 的 Cool 'n' Quiet. 不過大部分的使用者或廠商, 裝完電腦灌完 Windows, MotherBoard, Graphics card driver 裝完, 就交差了事. 好一點的 OEM 或是品牌電腦會裝入該廠牌開發的節能軟體. 不過沒有設好一律都是白搭.
Windows 的電源管理, 因為是預設"家用/桌上型電腦", 不要懷疑, CPU 都是以全速, 即使 CPU loading 為 < 1%. 如果你的 CPU 有 3GHz 就是一開電腦到關機都是全速在跑. (Linux kernel 大部分 probe 到 Intel CPU 都會自動載入 speedstep 這個 kernel module. Mac OS X 也會自動調整速度, 其實預設根本 System Preferences 已經找不到可以像 PowerPC 時可以使用最低 CPU 速度的地方, 不過至少會自動降速).
但是一般人其實並沒有一直在做大量運算, 長時間跑 flash player, 壓縮影片, 就連看影片其實大部分都是 graphics accelarator 代勞, CPU loading 已經大概 10~30% 以下. 如何看你的 CPU clock 速度在閒置或低附載時候有變化, 下載個 CPU-Z 就可以看, Clock Core Speed 如果一直都維持在全速, 那恭喜你, 你的錢就多花一點繳給台電幫忙建設台灣.
如果你要讓 Windows 可以隨著 CPU loading 調整 CPU clock frequency, 只要在控制台的電源內, 把它設為"簡報", 然後把其他選項的時間依照自已喜好設定, 例如螢幕休眠, 自動休眠和待機等設為自己喜好, 即使取消都沒關係. 只要是"簡報"模式, CPU 速度依照正在處理或運算的程式而定, 不需要手動再去調整"最大效能"或是"最大電池"等等. 如果你在到 CPU-Z 看一下 Clocks 的 Core Speed, 應該就會隨著你的程式運算而調整.
Based upon my experiences of Windows XP.


PTT 徵求電池膨脹尚未解決及維修超過一週的案例

板友 Arny (是我知道的阿尼律師嗎) 在 PTT 徵求相關案例(或尚未合理解決者,我想)。

我以自行聯絡過 Apple Technical Support 和新竹 Nova 的 Apple Authorized Reseller。他們接認為這是一種電池老化而非 defect。所以要自費買新電池,這是非常不合理的,因為任一種老化或提醒機制,不應該有危險,像是膨脹、爆炸或起火(尚未發生,因為他們會強烈建議你不要繼續使用)、損毀電腦的觸控板等等。但是電池老化機制,應該是電池充電效率變差、容量變低、無法充電供電等。除 Apple 電腦使用之外,大家已知電器用品一旦碰到電池膨脹,都會認為是電池品質有問題,或是山寨的。

以下是他寫的引言,有需要的請上 PTT MAC。

我已寫律師函給蘋果亞洲,他們也回覆律師函給我了 原則上應該有解決的可能 我要求電池一顆換一顆,無論保固過期與否,因電池膨脹而產生的損害皆應免費維修。 另外徵求維修超過一星期以上的案例,我好要求蘋果改善。 請回文詳細說明,若不方便回文,可以寄站內信給我。


MacBook Battery Inflated (電池膨脹)

When I inspected my MacBook, I found that the battery does not exactly close up and match the Mac Book case of the bottom side. After detail investigation, I found my MacBook battery inflated. I'm worry about the battery will keep going inflated and damages other components, so I removed the battery.
I do agree with that battery is a expenditure item, while the MacBook is also more than 2 years old. But the battery cycle count is only 41 and fully charged capacity is 4922 mAh. Buying a new one will take me NT$4,500, and I don't wanna doing that. I need to ask Apple for exchanging a new or refurbished one because that originally I can keep using the old battery to power my MacBook with 3~4 hours battery life within near 2 or 3 years if the battery didn't inflated.

The battery has smaller gap above the screws (compare to the left gray side)
The battery installed and the bottom of MacBook
The side view of the battery. There is a gap and battery inflated.


MacBook Heat Sink Compound

My MacBook Core 2 Duo 2.16Ghz always has 63~65°C in the idle mode (CPU speed at 1.0Ghz and lowest fan speed). After that I disassembled the MacBook, I found there is no much dust around the CPU fan, heat sink. However, I removed the heat sink, I found heat sink compound has already solidified and not uniformly put on both die of the CPU and chipset. Finally I remove the compound and put new one on booth. Now, the CPU temperature in the idle mode drops to 58~61 °C.

The Original Heat Sink Compound


Playing StarCraft II on MacBook

I installed Blizzard StarCraft II in Mac OS X on MacBook (with Intel GMA950). However, I cannot even see the start-up screen in Mac OS X, only a StarCraft style mouse cursor. According to Blizzard FAQ, Intel GMA 950 is not included in the supported 3D accelerator card list.
But, I turned to install StarCraft II in Windows XP on MacBook (with BootCamp).  Eventually, I can log in to and run the game. But, the frame rate of the game is very low and the game become unplayable, even I set everything to low quality or close on the video options.
Finally, I turned to adjust the Intel GMA 950 3D settings as following, the game gains better frame rate and much playable now. As many of you already know, the texture quality and 3D models of everything become very very low quality because of the performance settings.